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Program Registration


You are about to register for Keep the Change

Are you saving for a car? A new phone? This program will teach you the essential money management skills you need to help you reach your financial goals. Learn how to create a budget, develop a savings plan, recognise scams, better understand credit and much more, so that you have more confidence and control over money.

Program information

[StartDate] and [EndDate]

If you have any questions, click here for more information, or see your teacher.

Before You Register

Legally you must be 15 years or older to register online

If you are under 15, a parent/caregiver signature is required. Please see your teacher for a paper form.

You need to complete form in one sitting

This form cannot be saved part way through. Ask for help if needed.

You need Parent / Caregiver contact information

The form will ask you for your parent / caregiver's name and email or mobile. We'll notify them of your registration.

If you are under 15 years, we need your parent/caregiver's consent and signature. Please see your teacher for a paper registration form.

Keep your personal information safe. If you need to leave this computer, please close the form.

The Smith Family is committed to respecting your privacy and we understand how important it is to protect an individual's personal data. We encourage you to read our 'Collecting your Personal Information Statement'.