Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Showing 10 to 20 of approximately 74 items
Digital Inclusion
Ensuring all students on our flagship Learning for Life educational support program are digitally included, is a key ambition of The Smith Family’s Five-Year Strategy.
Digital inequality is the new frontier of disadvantage. Help provide laptops, internet, tech support, and digital skills for Australian children living with poverty. Donate now.
Every student needs digital tools to make the most of their learning. But living in poverty means that Poppy is missing out.
The Smith Family - 100 years social history
The year of 2022 marks the milestone of one hundred years for The Smith Family. In our centenary year, we look back at what we’ve achieved for Australians living with financial disadvantage and look ahead toward our ongoing work with families and our community partners to improve educational outcomes for children in need.
My first 500 Zoom calls
The new CEO of The Smith Family, Doug Taylor, reflects on his first three months in the job and how COVID has changed his approach to leadership. Read more...
Making moments that create careers
Budding entrepreneurs dream big, beyond their backyard
Sally is making a difference in her community
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Sally is making a difference
Sally celebrates sponsored students’ graduation
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Sally celebrates sponsored students’ graduation
Innovation team discovers the simple joys of volunteering
See what happened when Nick’s high-tech team swapped app design for a day helping us pack Christmas presents and books for disadvantaged families.
Showing 10 to 20 of approximately 74 items