Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Search results for "scholarship"
Showing 20 to 30 of approximately 77 items
The Smith Family - 100 years social history
The year of 2022 marks the milestone of one hundred years for The Smith Family. In our centenary year, we look back at what we’ve achieved for Australians living with financial disadvantage and look ahead toward our ongoing work with families and our community partners to improve educational outcomes for children in need.
NFPs must undergo their own change to meet society’s challenges
As society’s needs evolve so must the vision of not for profits, argues The Smith Family's Doug Taylor. Read more...
Billy has a big heart for helping students plan for life after school
Read about some of Billy's unforgettable moments as a volunteer mentor
Wendy Harmer Found Solace at School
I found solace at school. I hope all children can get the same chance.
Celebrating Sheila’s extraordinary gift
Sheila Woodcock, from Newcastle in NSW, lived a simple life and rarely discussed money. Her friends were surprised to hear she left behind generous donations in her Will. Read more.
Four friends and their legacy
We all want to leave the world better off than we found it. Read how Jill and her friends are leaving a gift for the next generation of students.
Research: Attendance Lifts Achievement
New research draws on data collected over seven years from 30,000 disadvantaged Australian school students on The Smith Family’s Learning for Life educational scholarship program. The research contributes to ongoing national efforts to improve the educational outcomes of young Australians, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
iTrack students to plan their career paths
Through our iTrack program, students in Years 9 to 11 are given the chance to explore more options for the future and make a plan. It’s guidance they desperately need but often can’t get at home.
How Sebastian bounced back after a tough start
Illness and hardship robbed Sebastian of his joy and skill in maths. It had a devastating effect on his confidence – but thanks to our supporters this story has a happy ending.
What happened when this intern emailed the Macquarie CEO for advice
As a 19-year-old intern at Macquarie Group, Miki Cvijetic wanted advice on how to get into investment banking but wasn’t sure who to ask – so he emailed the then-chief executive, Nicholas Moore.
Showing 20 to 30 of approximately 77 items