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My Smith Family for our Learning for Life families and students

The fastest way to manage all of your scholarship related tasks

The My Smith Family portal is the easiest way to manage your scholarship payments and stay on top of your tasks. We also have offers that go out from time to time that you can register your interest for. You can update your contact details and access a range of help articles on many topics to help you navigate each stage of your journey.
Already Registered? Login below to access your account.

How you can use My Smith Family

Track your sponsorship payments

At any time, you can see your payment history, your last scholarship payment and what you need to do to receive your next scholarship payments

Submit your scholarship documents

Using My Smith Family to upload your documents means faster and more secure delivery, no need to go to the post office or letter box and you know straight away that we have received your documents

Update your contact and payment details

My Smith Family provides a quick and easy way to ensure we always have your most up to date contact details so we can stay in touch, update your family details, phone number, email and postal address.

Find out about special offers

Find out about offers available to Learning for Life families and students including educational offers and programs, The Creative Showcase art and writing competition as well as seasonal toy and book packs

Access self help articles and chat support

Access self help articles for all things scholarship and beyond. We have guides on technology, submitting documents and all other parts of the scholarship process. If you ever get stuck, we are just a help chat or phone call away. All available from My Smith Family

Get assistance from our Learning for Life helpdesk

If you are unsure about anything relating to your scholarship, you can access our simple chat support from anywhere within My Smith Family. Just click the chat icon and start chatting. We have people available during business hours to assist you with anything scholarship related

Create a My Smith Family account

Location of your Smith Family ID

To register for My Smith Family you will need your Smith Family ID.

You will find this on the latest communication we’ve sent you: 

Click HERE to watch a video that shows how to create an online account for My Smith Family. If you are having trouble finding your Smith Family ID, our Learning for Life Service Desk can help. Please call us on 1800280223 or email